XS712T Smart Switch
2. Define the criteria to associate with a DiffServ class:
• Match Ev
ery. This adds to the specified class definition a match condition whereby
all packets are considered to belong to the class.
• Refe
rence Class. Selects a class to start referencing for criteria. A specified class
can reference at most one other class of the same type.
• Cla
ss of Service. Select the field and enter a class of service 802.1p user priority
value to be matched for the packets. The valid range is 0–7.
• VLAN. Select
the field and enter a VLAN ID to be matched for packets. The VLAN ID
range is 1–4093.
• Ethe
rnet Type. This lists the keywords for the Ether Type from which one can be
• Sou
rce MAC Address. This is the source MAC address specified as six, two-digit
hexadecimal numbers separated by colons.
• Sou
rce MAC Mask. This is a bit mask in the same format as MAC Address indicating
which part(s) of the source MAC Address to use for matching against packet content.
• Des
tination MAC Address. This is the destination MAC address specified as six,
two-digit hexadecimal numbers separated by colons.
• Des
tination MAC Mask. This is a bit mask in the same format as MAC Address
indicating which part(s) of the destination MAC Address to use for matching against
packet content.