XS712T Smart Switch
Configure Router Discovery
The Router Discovery protocol is used by hosts to identify operational routers on the subnet.
Router Discovery messages are of two types: Router Advertisements and Router
Solicitations. The protocol mandates that every router periodically advertise the IP Addresses
it is associated with. Hosts listen for these advertisements and discover the IP Addresses of
neighboring routers.
Router Discovery Configuration
Use the Router Discovery Configuration screen to enter or change Router Discovery
To configure the router discovery parameters:
1. Select Routing > Router Di
2. Select the router interface for which data is to be configured.
To perform the same configuration on all interf
aces, select the check box in the heading
row. To configure a single interface, select the check box associated with the interface.
The interface number displays in the Interface field in the table heading row.
3. Select Enable or Disab
le from the drop-down menu.
If you select Enable, Router Advertisements are transmitted from the selected interface.
4. Ente
r the IP Address to be used to advertise the router.
5. Ente
r the maximum time (in seconds) allowed between router advertisements sent from the
The value must be in the range of (4 to 1800). Default value is 600.
6. Ente
r the minimum time (in seconds) allowed between router advertisements sent from the
The value must be in the range of (3 to 1800). Default value is 450.
7. Ente
r the value (in seconds) to be used as the lifetime field in router advertisements sent
from the interface.
This is the maximum length of time that the advertised addresses are to be considered as
valid rout
er addresses by hosts. The value must be in the range of (4 to 9000). Default
value is 1800.