XS712T Smart Switch
2. Use the Private VLAN Type menu to select the type of private vlan. The factory default is
• Primary
. A private VLAN that forwards the traffic from the promiscuous ports to
isolated ports, community ports, and other promiscuous ports in the same private
VLAN. Only one primary VLAN can be configured per private VLAN. All ports within a
private VLAN share the same primary VLAN.
• Isolat
ed. A secondary VLAN that carries traffic from isolated ports to promiscuous
ports. Only one isolated VLAN can be configured per private VLAN.
• Communit
y. A secondary VLAN that forwards traffic between ports that belong to the
same community and to the promiscuous ports. Multiple community VLANs can be
configured per private VLAN.
• Unconfigu
red. The VLAN is not configured as a private VLAN.
3. Click Apply.
Table 31. Private VLAN type table information
Field Description
VLAN ID Displays the VLAN ID for which Private VLAN type is bein
g set. The factory default
is Unconfigured.
Private VLAN Association Configuration
Use this screen to configure the association between the primary VLAN and secondary
VLANs. Associating a secondary VLAN with a primary VLAN allows host ports in the
secondary VLAN to communicate outside the private VLAN.
To configure the private VLAN association:
1. Select Security
Traffic Control Private Vlan > Private Vlan Association
2. Use the Primary VLAN menu to select the Primary VLAN ID of the domain. This is used to
associate the Secondary VLANs to the domain.
3. Th
e Secondary VLAN(s) field displays all of the statically created VLANs (excluding the
primary and default VLANs). This control is used to associate VLANs to the selected primary