XS712T Smart Switch
A MAC ACL consists of a set of rules which are matched sequentially against a packet. When
a packet meets the match criteria of a rule, the specified rule action (Permit/Deny) is taken
and the additional rules are not checked for a match.
There are multiple steps involved in defining a MAC ACL and applying it to the switch:
1. Crea
te the ACL ID. See MAC ACL.
2. Cre
ate a MAC rule. See MAC Rules.
3. Cre
ate a MAC binding configuration. See MAC Binding Configuration.
4. Opt
ionally, create a MAC binding table. See MAC Binding Table.
To add a MAC ACL:
1. Select Security
Basic > MAC ACL.
The MAC ACL table displays the number of ACLs currently configured in the switch and
the maximum number of ACLs that can be configured. The current size is equal to the
number of configured IPv4 ACLs plus the number of configured MAC ACLs.
2. S
pecify a name for the MAC ACL in the Name field.
The name string can include alphabetic, numeric, dash
, underscore, or space characters
only. The name must start with an alphabetic character.
3. Click Add.
Each configured ACL displays the
following information:
• Rules. Displays th
e number of rules currently configured for the MAC ACL.
• Direction. Displays the direction of packet traffic affected by the MAC ACL, which can be
Inbound or blank.
To change the name of a MAC ACL:
1. Select
the check box next to the Name field for the ACL to modify.
2. Unde
r Name, specify the new name.
3. Click App