XS712T Smart Switch
Click Refresh to refresh the screen with the most current data from the switch.
Summer Time Configuration
Use the Summer Time Configuration screen to configure settings for summer time, which is
also known as daylight saving time. Used in some countries around the world, summer time
is the practice of temporarily advancing clocks during the summer months. Typically clocks
are adjusted forward one or more hours near the start of spring and are adjusted backward in
To configure the summer time settings:
1. Selec
t click System Management Time Summer Configuration.
The Time Configuration screen displays.
Last Attempt Status Specifies the status of the last SNTP request to this server. If no packet has
been received from this server, a status of Other is displayed:
• Oth
er. None of the following enumeration values.
• Su
ccess. The SNTP operation was successful and the system time was
• Re
quest Timed Out. A directed SNTP request timed out without
receiving a response from the SNTP server.
• Ba
d Date Encoded. The time provided by the SNTP server is not valid.
• Version Not Supported. The SNTP version supported by the server is
not compatible with the version supported by the client.
• Se
rver Unsynchronized. The SNTP server is not synchronized with its
peers. This is indicated via the 'leap indicator' field on the SNTP
• Se
rver Kiss Of Death. The SNTP server indicated that no further
queries were to be sent to this server. This is indicated by a stratum field
equal to 0 in a message received from a server.
Requests Specifies the number of SNTP requests made to this server since last agent
Failed Requests Specifies the number of failed SNTP requests made to this server since last
Table 7. SNTP server status fields (Continued)
Field Description