XS712T Smart Switch
The switch supports system file downloads from a remote system to the switch by using
either TFTP or HTTP.
The Down
load menu contains links described in the following sections.
• TFTP File Download
• HTTP File Download
TFTP File Download
Use the Download File to switch screen to download device software, the image file, the
configuration files and SSL files from a TFTP server to the switch.
Before you download a file to the switch, the following conditions must be true:
• T
he file to download from the TFTP server is on the server in the appropriate directory.
• T
he file is in the correct format.
• T
he switch has a path to the TFTP server.
You can also download files via HTTP. See HTTP File Download on p
age 265 for additional
To download a file to the switch from a TFTP server:
1. Select Ma
intenance Download TFTP File Download.
2. From the File Type menu, specify what type of file you want to download to the switch:
• Archiv
e. The archive is the system software image, which is saved in one of two flash
sectors called images (image1 and image2). The active image stores the active copy;
while the other image stores a second copy. The device boots and runs from the
active image. If the active image is corrupted, the system automatically boots from the
non-active image. This is a safety feature for faults occurring during the boot upgrade