Avaya P580 Switch User Manual

24 Index Avaya P550R, P580, P880, and P882 Multiservice Switch User Guide, v5.3
DVMRP interface statistical parameters, 9-82
IP static route parameters, 9-44
IPX interface, 12-8
IRDP parameters, 9-107
OSPF summaries parameters, 11-19
RIP interface parameters, 10-4
network mask
LSA detail
, 11-32
network number
AppleTalk interface parameters
, 15-7
AppleTalk interface statistics, 15-28
AppleTalk static route, 15-12
IPX routing table search parameters, 12-21
IPX SAP interface parameters, 14-2
IPX SAP interface statistical parameters, 13-9, 14-13
network range
AppleTalk ARP cache table statistics
, 15-32
AppleTalk interface statistics, 15-28
AppleTalk route table statistics, 15-29
AppleTalk zone table statistics, 15-33
network range end
AppleTalk interface parameters
, 15-7
AppleTalk static route, 15-12
network range start
AppleTalk interface parameters
, 15-7
AppleTalk static route, 15-12
new client ports added
IGMP snooping
, 16-21
new router ports added
IGMP snooping
, 16-21
new sessions created
IGMP snooping
, 16-21
next hop
AppleTalk route table statistics
, 15-29
next probe message in sec
DVMRP interface statistical parameters
, 9-82
next pruned downstream interface to timeout
DVMRP multicast forwarding cache parameters
next query request in sec
IGMP interface statistical parameters
, 9-75
next-hop address
IP static route parameters
, 9-44
next-hop MAC address
IPX route table parameter
, 12-22
IPX service table parameter, 12-25
next-hop node
IPX static route
, 12-11
IPX static service parameter, 12-15
no client
AppleTalk global statistics
, 15-26
no route
AppleTalk global statistics
, 15-26
AppleTalk ARP cache table statistics
, 15-32
AppleTalk interface parameters, 15-7
AppleTalk interface statistics, 15-28
AppleTalk static route, 15-13
IPX service table parameter, 12-25
IPX static service parameter, 12-15
node address
IPX interface
, 12-8
SNMP access level
, 2-22
non-tagged access mode,definition, 1-10
non-triggered updates sent
IPX SAP interface statistical parameters
, 13-9, 14-14
RIP statistical parameters, 10-11, 10-13
non-VLAN switch port parameters, configuring
3Com mapping table
, 5-28
allow learning, 5-27
hunt group, 5-27
known mode, 5-28
spanning tree, 5-27
OSPF neighbors parameters
, 11-27
SNMP security level
, 2-22
normal-priority traffic, 20-1
nstalling the HTTP Documentation Server, -xix
number of current groups
IGMP interface statistical parameters
, 9-76
number of routes
IPX routing table statistic
, 12-22
number of triggered routes
DVMRP routing statistical parameters
, 9-85
number of valid routes
DVMRP routing statistical parameters
, 9-85
one-time summer time hours configuration, 3-9
end, 3-9
start, 3-9
Online documentation
adding files to a Web server
, -xxi
getting updated online documentation, -xxii
installing, -xix
installing the HTTP server, -xix
starting the HTTP server, -xx
online documentation, -xviii
Online Help, -xix
Online help, -xix
accessing help files from the server, -xx
adding files to a Web server, -xxi
getting updated help files, -xxii
Open Trunk technology features, 1-16
OpenTrunk technology,overview, 1-16