IBM DS6000 Computer Drive User Manual

Chapter 9. FlashCopy interfaces 85
Reset FlashCopy Consistency Group using unfreezeflash
The command unfreezeflash can be used to remove a Consistency Group for multiple
volumes for which FlashCopy relations were established using the -freeze parameter. This
command removes the long busy condition and allows I/Os to continue for the source
volumes. See Example 9-11.
The unfreezeflash command is issued to the entire logical subsystem (LSS).
Example 9-11 unfreezeflash command example
#--- Example 1
unfreezeflash -dev IBM.1750-7506571/00
Date/Time: July 12, 2005 12:27:06 AM CEST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.1750-7506571
CMUC00172I unfreezeflash: FlashCopy consistency group for logical subsystem 00: successfully reset.
9.5 Remote FlashCopy using the DS CLI
Remote FlashCopy commands are similar to local FlashCopy commands. The remote
commands can be issued whenever a DS6000 mirroring takes place from one DS6000 to
another DS6000. In this situation the Fibre Channel links between the two DS6000s—that are
used for mirroring purposes—are also used to transmit the FlashCopy commands to the
remote DS6000. For detailed information about the DS CLI, refer to IBM System Storage
DS6000: Command-Line Interface User´s Guide, GC26-7922.
9.5.1 Remote FlashCopy commands
Table 9-5 Command names for local and remote FlashCopy
The syntax of the remote FlashCopy commands is similar to the syntax of the local
FlashCopy commands. The commands themselves have similar names except for the
remote” character string that you can see in the remote FlashCopy commands names.
Table 9-5 shows the similarity between both sets of commands; their actions are also similar.
Local Command Remote Command Remark
mkflash mkremoteflash Establish FlashCopy
lsflash lsremoteflash List FlashCopy
setflashrevertible setremoteflashrevertible Set FlashCopy to revertible
commitflash commitremoteflash Commit FlashCopy on target
resyncflash resyncremoteflash Increment FlashCopy
reverseflash reverseremoteflash Switch source-target
revertflash revertremoteflash Reset to last consistency point
unfreezeflash - Reset Consistency Group
rmflash rmremoteflash Remove FlashCopy