88 IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z
4. Select common options
Figure 9-4 on page 88 shows the options that can be chosen. The data provided in this
window will be used for all defined FlashCopy pairs.
Figure 9-4 FlashCopy options
5. Verification.
In the following verification window, all information regarding the FlashCopy definition is
displayed. If it isn’t possible to establish the FlashCopy relationship (if, for example, a
volume was requested to be offline but it is not offline) then an information message is
displayed on this window.
Comparing parameters for initial FlashCopy using DS SM and DS CLI
A FlashCopy can be defined by using the DS SM with a browser (selecting the Create for
FlashCopy) or by using the DS CLI (using the mkflash command).
Using the DS SM, it is possible to define FlashCopies that will be generated immediately. It is
currently not possible to store any FlashCopy tasks using the DS SM.
Table 9-6 shows the corresponding parameters for the various FlashCopy options when using
the DS CLI command mkflash and the DS SM FlashCopy Create selection.
Table 9-6 Comparison of options/parameters used for FlashCopy DS CLI and DS SM
Options Parameter
with DS CLI
Parameter with DS SM
FlashCopy create
Options for the source volume
Multiple relationship FlashCopy List of
Multiple target volumes can
be selected during create
Consistency Groups for
Freeze - Not supported with the DS SM