
Chapter 9. FlashCopy interfaces 87
9.6 FlashCopy management using the DS SM
To use the DS SM front end GUI, a supported Web Browser needs to be installed on the
workstation. The DS SM communicates with the DS SMC.
To start using the DS SM, enter in your Web browser the IP address of the DS SMC, as
shown in Example 9-12. The password is set up by the administrator and needs to be
changed during the first use of the DS SM.
Example 9-12 Starting DS SM
The port 8452 is currently used to communicate with the DS SMC. This might change with new
releases. Always check with your Storage Administrator.
9.6.1 Initiate FlashCopy using Create
After you log in to the DS SM, select Real-time manager on the left, then FlashCopy.
Identify the DS6000 for which you would like to initiate a FlashCopy. From the Select Action
box, select Create. See Figure 9-3.
Figure 9-3 FlashCopy Create with DS SM
This selection will give you several windows, one after the other, to define the options that will
be used with this FlashCopy.
1. Define relationship type.
Select A single source with a single target, or
A single source with multiple targets
(if you want to allow Multiple Relationship FlashCopy).
2. Select source volumes
Select one or multiple source volumes by checking the box at the left of the volume
identification. For each of the source volumes, you will afterwards be presented with a
window to select one or more targets.
3. Select target volumes
Select the target volumes (you can’t have more than 12 target volumes).