© Copyright IBM Corp. 2006. All rights reserved. 541
1750 DS6000 11
2105 ESS 800 12
activating 65
activating FlashCopy
machine signature 67
model 67
serial number of the DS6000 67
enhanced to manage Global Mirror 327
Copy Services 7
asynchronous data replication 250
consistent asynchronous remote copy solution 253
synchronous data replication 250
automation and management 132
B volumes
consistent data 289
bandwidth 145
basic concepts 45
basic concepts of Global Mirror 253
catch-up transition 207
using TSO commands 208
CCA 152
CDELPAIR 154, 225
CDELPATH 154, 225
CESTPAIR 152, 224
CESTPATH 153, 225
CGROUP 154, 226
Channel Connection Address see CCA
channel extender support 216
CLI migration
convert the individual tasks 531
DS CLI commands 532
ESS / DS CLI Comparison 532
migrating ESS CLI to DS CLI 530
review the ESS tasks to migrate 530
PPRC path reason 521
command overview 152, 224
Command-Line Interface see DS CLI
commitflash 79
comparison 222
Concurrent Copy 510
domain 511
DS6000 512
invoking 512
operation 512
Concurrent Copy terminology
Concurrent Copy domain 511
consistent copy 511
fuzzy copy 511
intercepted writes 511
session 511
session ID 511
sidefile 511
terminate 511
conduit 85
configuration 63
connecting to DS6000 19
connectivity 215
for Global Mirror between local and remote site 279
for Global Mirror to remote site 255
Global Mirror multi-site host connectivity 279
single site host 281
Consistency Group 55, 137, 142, 260
data consistency 136
formation 260
parameters 262
transmission 338
verify state 285
Consistency Group FlashCopy
conduit 85
consistent copy 511
coordination time
Global Mirror performance issues 337
copy pending 203
Copy Services 6
1750 DS6000 11
2105 ESS 800 12
architecture 7
differences of DS CLI and DS GUI 12
DS8000 11
how the new structure of Copy Services works 11
introduction 4
introduction to new structure 8
Remote Mirror and Copy between Storage Complex-
es 12
what is a Storage Complex 10
CQUERY 155, 227
Global Copy relationship between local and remote
volume 256
Global Mirror environment 269
create backup 123
create test system 122
CRECOVER 156, 227
critical attribute 141
critical mode combination 142