Chapter 26. Global Mirror examples 401
26.12 Site switch basic operations using the DS CLI
In this section we show examples of how to do the steps to effect a site switch, using DS CLI
commands. For a detailed discussion regarding site swap considerations see 26.4, “Primary
site failure and recovery management with TSO” on page 352.
26.12.1 Perform a Global Copy failover
When switching sites, use the failoverpprc command to change a secondary device into a
primary suspended device, while leaving the primary device in its current state. This
command succeeds even if the paths are down and the volume at the other site is
unavailable or nonexistent. The syntax of the failoverpprc command is as follows:
dscli failoverpprc -type gcp -cfg <Target device configuration file>
<Source_Volume>:<Target_Volume> <Source_Volume>:<Target_Volume> ...
A failover operation from site 1 to site 2 means that site 2 will be active in a
suspended state,
but the replication process will not be active anymore, in either direction. If there was no
outage on the primary site, the primary and the recovery volumes will still be available and
accessible at the end of a failover operation on the recovery site. If there was an outage on
the primary site, only the recovery volumes will still be available and accessible at the end of
a failover operation on the recovery site.
Example 26-68 shows a failover operation on two Global Copy secondary volumes, at site 2.
Example 26-68 failover operation at site 2
dscli failoverpprc -type gcp 6500:6500 6501:6501 -cfg $DSCLI/profile/DS-02.profile
Date/Time: June 15, 2005 14:56:32 PM EDT IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7573731
CMUC00196I failoverpprc: Remote Mirror and Copy pair 6500:6500 successfully reversed.
CMUC00196I failoverpprc: Remote Mirror and Copy pair 6501:6501 successfully reversed.
To query Global Copy information use the command lspprc as described in 26.11.2, “Query
Global Copy pairs” on page 395.
26.12.2 Perform a Global Copy failback
The failbackpprc command copies the required data from the source volume to the target
volume in order to resume mirroring. The syntax of the failbackpprc command is as follows:
dscli failback -type gcp -cfg <Target device configuration file>
<Source_Volume>:<Target_Volume> <Source_Volume>:<Target_Volume> ...
A failback on site 2 means that site 2 will be active as the source of a Global Copy replication
process from site 2 to site 1. The failback operation resynchronizes the volume pairs, and is
used in combination with the failover operation as part of the site switch procedure.
Example 26-69 on page 402 shows a failback operation of two Global Copy pairs.