
28 IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z
4.4 DS CLI profile
You can create default settings for the DS CLI by defining one or more profiles on the system.
For example, you can specify the SMC for the session, specify the output format for list
commands, specify the number of rows per page in the DS CLI output, and specify that a
banner is included with the DS CLI output.
If a user enters a value with a command that is different from a value in the profile, the
command overrides the profile.
You have several options for using profile files:
You can modify the default profile. The default profile, dscli.profile, is installed in the profile
directory with the software. For example, c:\Program Files\IBM\DSCLI\profile\dscli.profile
for the Windows platform and /opt/ibm/dscli/profile/dscli.profile for UNIX® and Linux
You can make a personal default profile by making a copy of the system default profile as
<user_home>/dscli/profile/dscli.profile. The home directory, <user_home> is designated
as follows:
Windows system: C:\Documents and settings\<user_name>
UNIX/Linux system: /home/<user_name>
You can create a profile for the Storage Unit operations. Save the profile in the user profile
directory. Two examples are:
c:\Program Files\IBM\DSCLI\profile\operation_name1
c:\Program Files\IBM\DSCLI\profile\operation_name2
These profile files can be specified using the DS CLI command parameter -cfg
<profile_name>. If the -cfg file is not specified, the user’s default profile is used. If a user’s
profile does not exist, the system default profile is used.
When you install the command-line interface software, the default profile is installed in the
profile directory with the software. The file name is dscli.profile; for example. c:\Program
The available variables, detailed descriptions, and information about how to handle them can
be found in IBM System Storage DS6000: Command-Line Interface User´s Guide,
Note: A user can be assigned to more than one user group.
Important: When a new user is created, the password that was initially set automatically
expired and must be changed when the user first logs on.
Attention: The default profile file that is created when you install the DS CLI might be
replaced every time that you install a new version of the DS CLI. It is a better practice to
open the default profile and then save it as a new file. You can then create multiple profiles
and reference the relevant profile file with the -cfg parameter.
Note: A password file, generated using the managepwfile command is located at the
following directory: <user_home>/dscli/security/security.dat.