IBM DS6000 Computer Drive User Manual

534 IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z
Note 1
Volume space configuration is a primary difference between 2105 and 1750. Like the
2105, a 1750 Storage Unit volume space contains a RAID-5 or RAID-10 array and a Rank
that is configured from an Array Site. For 2105, one command configures an Array Site
into a RAID array and Rank. For 1750, one command configures an Array Site into an
Array, and a second command configures an Array into a Rank. For 2105, a Rank is
configured as fixed block or CKD. For 1750, a Rank is assigned to a user-defined Extent
Pool object, which the user defines as either the fixed block or CKD storage type.
The “interleave” volume construct does not exist for 1750. For 2105, a volume is
configured from a specific Rank, and cannot span Rank boundaries. For 1750, a volume is
configured from an Extent Pool. An Extent Pool can contain multiple Ranks. A 1750
volume consists of one or more Extents that can be allocated from one or more Ranks. A
fixed block Extent is 1 GB (using binary counting).
list featurecode lsda, lshba, lsioencl, lsuser,
mkuser, rmuser, chuser,
The 1750 CLI commands can
display feature codes when the
appropriate parameters are
used with the commands.
list task NA
show task NA
list pprcpaths lspprcpath Unlike the 2105, the 1750 CLI
Copy Services functions are not
task oriented. The 1750 CLI
provides a complete set of
FlashCopy and PPRC make,
change, remove, list, and show
rsExecuteTask mkflash, rmflash, mkpprc,
rmpprc, mkpprcpath,
rmpprcpath, mksession,
chsession, rmsession
The 1750 CLI provides a
complete set of FlashCopy and
PPRC commands that can be
used in the coding of scripts
that emulate 2105 Copy
Services tasks.
rsList2105s lssu The 1750 CLI lssu command
returns both 2105 and 1750
objects that are contained in the
ESS Network Interface domain
rsQuery, rsQueryComplete,
lsflash, lspprc These 1750 Copy Services CLI
commands are equivalent to
the respective 2105 CLI
The 1750 mkflashcopy and
mkpprc commands provide a
wait flag that delays command
response until copy complete
status is achieved.
rsTestConnection lsaavailpprcport