Chapter 4. DS Command-Line Interface 33
2. Provide the information that is requested by the information prompts. The information
prompts might not appear, if you have provided this information in your profile file. The
command prompt switches to a dscli command prompt.
3. Begin using the DS CLI commands and parameters. You are not required to begin each
command with dscli, because this prefix is provided by the dscli command prompt.
Example 4-3 shows the use of interactive command mode.
Example 4-3 Interactive command mode
C:\Program Files\ibm\dscli>dscli
Enter your username: admin
Enter your password:
Date/Time: 24 de Maio de 2005 14h42min17s BRT IBM DSCLI Version: X.X.X.X DS:
dscli> lsarraysite
Date/Time: 24 de Maio de 2005 15h8min57s BRT IBM DSCLI Version: X.X.X.X DS: IBM.
arsite DA Pair dkcap (Decimal GB) State Array
S1 0 146.0 Assigned A0
S2 0 146.0 Assigned A0
S3 0 146.0 Assigned A1
S4 0 146.0 Assigned A1
dscli> lssi
Date/Time: 24 de Maio de 2005 14h42min59s BRT IBM DSCLI Version: X.X.X.X
Name ID Storage Unit Model WWNN State ESSNet
- IBM.1750-1312345 IBM.1750-1312345 511 500507630EFFFC6F Online Enabled
dscli> quit
exit status of dscli = 0
4.8 Return codes
When the DS CLI is exited, the exit status code is provided. This is effectively a return code. If
DS CLI commands are issued as separate commands (rather than using script mode), then a
return code will be presented for every command. If a DS CLI command fails (for instance
due to a syntax error or the use of an incorrect password), then a failure reason and a return
code will be presented. Standard techniques to collect and analyze return codes can be used.
The return codes used by the DS CLI are shown in Table 4-6.
Table 4-6 Return code table
Note: When logging in to the DS CLI, you can use the host name or the IP address of the
Return code Category Description
0 Success The command was successful.
2 Syntax error There is a syntax error in the command.
3 Connection error There was a connection problem to the server.