274 IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z
The RSESSION command contains the topology information for the Subordinate and also the
communication paths specification. SBINFO contains positional parameters in the following
SSID of the sending Master LSS
SSID of the receiving LSS in the Subordinate disk subsystem
Serial number of the Subordinate disk subsystem
When the topology changes and needs to be reflected in an existing Global Mirror
environment, you need to stop the session with the SBINFO specification, as it was at the
previous start of the Global Mirror session. Then you adjust SBINFO so that it reflects the
changed topology and then start the session again, now with the new SBINFO specifications.
See also 23.3.2, “Add or remove storage disk subsystems or LSSs” on page 272.
23.3.5 Remove a FlashCopy relationship
When you withdraw a FlashCopy relationship within a Global Mirror session, the Consistency
Group process is affected. If a withdraw is required, then first remove the Global Copy
primary volume from the session. Example 23-2 shows a TSO command that removes a
volume from LSS 0C and two volumes from LSS 0D.
Example 23-2 Remove volumes from Global Mirror session
ESSSERIAL(27131) +
ESSSERIAL(27131) +
VOLRANGE (00:01)
Once the volumes are removed from the session, you may explicitly terminate the
corresponding FlashCopy relationship that was tied to this primary volume.
Example 23-3 Remove FlashCopy relationship
FCWITHDR DEVN(X'2C00') SOURCE(73081 00 0C) +
TARGET(73081 00 0E) +
Example 23-3 shows TSO FlashCopy commands that are used to terminate FlashCopy
relationships. The first FlashCopy command assumes a host channel connectivity to the
remote storage disk subsystem. In this case you can issue a simple FCWITHDR command
with the source and target volumes addressed by their z/OS device numbers. When there is
no host connectivity established to the remote storage disk subsystem, then you may use an
inband FlashCopy command through the local Global Copy primary volume. The second
FCWITHDR command propagates the FlashCopy command over the Global Mirror paths to
the remote storage server. The SOURCE and TARGET parameters address the source and
target volumes in the remote storage server. The SSID parameter addresses the LSS that
contains the source volume. In both examples, consider that despite the removal of the