IBM DS6000 Computer Drive User Manual

462 IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z
The goal of the TotalStorage Rapid Data Recovery for UNIX and Windows solution, based on
the combination of ESS or DS6000 or DS8000 Copy Services with enterprise Remote Copy
Management Facility (eRCMF), is to protect your data from being a mirror of a dying scenario.
Using Remote Copy Consistency Group, this solution freezes your environment at a known
point instead of mirroring literally hundreds of time-offset failures in a short amount of time.
TotalStorage Rapid Data Recovery is based on enterprise Remote Copy Management
Facility (eRCMF), an IBM Global Services offering. The current eRCMF Version 4 is designed
as a 2-site or 3-site Disaster Recovery solution that runs on dedicated machines under
WebSphere on AIX 5L™, which will be used as eRCMF servers.
eRCMF is a multi-site disaster recovery solution that manages data on volumes for Fixed
Block (open systems hosts) and CKD (z/OS). The solution does not depend on the operating
system because no client installation is required.
eRCMF is a Tier 4 and 6 solution, as shown in Figure 30-4.
Figure 30-4 eRCMF protection tier
eRCMF is built on the technologies of Remote Copy, Java, WebSphere, and ESS Network
Interface. You can mix these Storage Servers in this solution because ESS800, DS6000, and
DS8000 share the same Copy Services functions. With DS8000 and DS6000, no Copy
Services Server is required since each Storage Server can handle the Copy Services.
30.3 Architecture
eRCMF is a 2-site or 3-site solution. According to the diagrams in Figure 30-5 and
Figure 30-6, one PCM is placed in each data center. The PCM in the primary data center runs
the Master Process. This process is the interface into eRCMF. It handles all queries and
commands for local processes through either a command-line or socket interface. It also
manages commands and queries from the Backup Process.
A second PCM can be placed in the secondary (or backup) data center or, in a 3-site
strategy, in the tertiary (or remote) data center. This PCM runs the Backup Process that
maintains the state information of the configuration. This information is transferred to the
Note: We strongly recommend that theRCMF servers be installed and run from different
physical sites to ensure their backup capability.
Recovery Time
Business value
Software Automation for SAP, DB2,Siebel,MS SQL Server,
Exchange etc.
Point in Time Copy, Metro Mirror, Global Mirror, TotalStorage
Software Family, DFSMS for z/OS, TSM.
Hardware Infrastructure: ESS, DS family, SAN Switches, VTS,
3584, 3592, LTO .
Automation for Servers: z/OS, UNIX, Linux, Windows and
heterogeneous environments.
Areas covered and tier level