Chapter 29. Interoperability between DS6000 and ESS 800 451
29.4.3 Creating Metro Mirror pairs with TSO
In Example 29-12, we used the same paths that were created in 29.3.4, “Creating paths using
TSO” on page 446. We established a volume pair with Metro Mirror from the DS6000 to the
ESS 800.
Example 29-12 CESTPAIR command
//* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* */
/* */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
CESTPAIR DEVN(X'202B') PRIM(X'1710' 00247 X'2B' X'00') -
SEC(X'1070' 22399 X'2B' X'00') -
29.4.4 Managing Global Copy pairs with the DS CLI
In this example, we show how you can establish Global Copy volume pairs between a
DS6000 and an ESS 800 with the DS CLI. We created a Global Copy pair. Volume 0603 from
the DS6000 is the source volume, and the target volume on the ESS is 0503.
In Example 29-13, we created a pair with the mkpprc command. Then, we listed the pair with
the lspprc command nand paused the pair with the pausepprc command.
Example 29-13 Using DS CLI to manage Global Copy
dscli> mkpprc -remotedev IBM.2105-22399 -type gcp 0603:0503
Date/Time: 9 November 2005 1:41:17 IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.1750-1300247
CMUC00153I mkpprc: Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair relationship 0603:0503 successfully
dscli> lspprc 0603
Date/Time: 9 November 2005 1:41:30 IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.1750-1300247
ID State Reason Type SourceLSS Timeout (secs) Critical Mode First Pass
0603:0503 Copy Pending - Global Copy 06 unknown Disabled False
dscli> pausepprc -remotedev IBM.2105-22399 0603:0503
Date/Time: 9 November 2005 1:41:55 IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.1750-1300247
CMUC00157I pausepprc: Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair 0603:0503 relationship
successfully paused.
dscli> lspprc 0603
Date/Time: 9 November 2005 1:42:32 IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.1750-1300247
ID State Reason Type SourceLSS Timeout (secs) Critical Mode First
0603:0503 Suspended Host Source Global Copy 06 unknown Disabled False
29.5 Managing ESS 800 Global Mirror
The establishment of Global Mirror between a DS6000 and an ESS 800 is achieved using the
same methods as explained in Chapter 26, “Global Mirror examples” on page 341.
29.5.1 Managing Global Mirror pairs using the DS CLI
In Example 29-14 on page 452, we established a Global Copy pair between volume 0500 on
the ESS 800 and volume 0600 on the DS6000. Next, we created a FlashCopy on the remote