IBM DS6000 Computer Drive User Manual

224 IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z
20.2 TSO commands for Global Copy management
In z/OS systems, Global Copy can be managed using TSO commands. In this section, we
discuss the Global Copy commands that TSO provides. For a detailed description of these
commands, see the IBM publication z/OS DFSMS Advanced Copy Services, SC35-0428.
20.2.1 Commands summary and use
A summary of the available TSO commands for Global Copy management and their
corresponding use is presented in Table 20-2.
Table 20-2 TSO commands
This command has the optional OPTION parameter, which has two mutually exclusive
values: SYNC or XD. Specify SYNC if you want to establish Metro Mirror (synchronous) pair.
Specify XD if you want to establish a Global Copy pair.
In order for the pair to become a Global Copy pair (in addition to specifying the XD value for
the OPTION parameter), also specify whether this pair comes from the simplex or from the
suspended state. That is, whether this is an initial copy of a newly established pair, or if it is a
re-synchronization of a suspended pair. To indicate this, use the MODE parameter to specify
either COPY or RESYNC, respectively.
Example 20-1 shows the CESTPAIR command with the OPTION parameter value XD and
MODE parameter value of COPY. This example illustrates a transition from a simplex volume
state to a copy pending volume state.
Example 20-1 Establish a Global Copy pair
PRIM(X'2060' AAGXA X'30' X'00') -
SEC(X'0002' AAVCA X'30' X'00')
Table 20-3 on page 225 summarizes the values of the CESTPAIR command parameters that
you use when working with Global Copy pairs. Refer also to Table 20-3 for the parameter
values for a go-to-sync transition.
Command Description
Establishing Global Copy volume pairs
Establish Global Copy path
Deleting volume pairs
Deleting paths
Controlling volume groups with FREEZE and RUN
Querying of the status of volumes and paths
Recovering data on the recovery system
Suspending Global Copy volume pairs