IBM DS6000 Computer Drive User Manual

368 IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z
For ICKDSF command details, refer to Device Support Facility User’s Guide and Reference,
26.7 Remove a Global Mirror environment using ICKDSF
This section shows how to use ICKDSF to end and remove a Global Mirror environment that
was previously established using TSO commands.
The steps of the procedure to follow are similar for any of the interfaces. In our example in
this section, we use ICKDSF to accomplish the associated task for each step. These are the
steps we followed to remove the Global Mirror environment:
1. Stop the session.
2. Remove volumes from the session.
3. Withdraw the FlashCopy relationships.
4. Delete the session.
5. Delete the Global Copy pairs.
6. Remove the paths.
26.7.1 Stop Global Mirror session
Example 26-36 shows the ICKDSF JCL and command lines used to stop the Global Mirror
Example 26-36 End Global Mirror session using ICKDSF
//* -------------------------------------------------------------- ***
SESSNO(001) -
We used a JCL DD statement to point to the Master LSS, which manages the Global Mirror
session number 001. We stop the session using the TMASYNC command with the
TERMINATE parameter, in the command lines for ICKDSF.
26.7.2 Remove volumes from the session
The command shown in Example 26-37 on page 369 removes four volumes from the Global
Mirror session. The range of volumes to be removed is identified by the CCA range indicated
in the RVOLLIST parameter. The first CCA indicates the beginning of the range, and the
second CCA marks the end of the range. Do not forget to also provide the RANGE keyword.
The DDNAME parameter in the ICKDSF command line points to the JCL DD that addresses
the LSS that contains the range of volumes to be removed. The JCL DD uses a utility volume
for addressing purposes (VOL=SER=AA6000), which is also one of the volumes to be
removed. Note that the volumes must be online.