Chapter 18. Global Copy options and configuration 209
18.2.4 Go-to-sync using the DS CLI
You can also use the DS CLI command mkpprc with the option -mmir to synchronize a Global
Copy pair, as shown in Example 18-3.
Example 18-3 mkpprc command
dscli> mkpprc -dev ibm.1750-13aagxa -remotedev ibm.1750-13aavca -type mmir 000d:000d
Date/Time: 17. Juni 2005 00:01:00 CEST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.1750-13AAGXA
CMUC00153I mkpprc: Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair relationship 000D:000D successfully
18.2.5 Display out-of-sync tracks
After a Global Copy pair is established, the volumes go into the copy pending state. The copy
pending state also remains if no tracks are out-of-sync. You can display the out-of-sync
tracks with the DS CLI or with the DS Storage Manager.
With the DS CLI you can use the lspprc command; see Example 18-4.
Example 18-4 lspprc command
dscli> lspprc -dev IBM.1750-13AAGXA -remotedev IBM.1750-13AAVCA -l 1610
Date/Time: June 14, 2005 5:51:35 PM CDT IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.1750-13AAGXA
ID State Reason Type Out Of Sync Tracks Tgt Read Src Cascade Tgt Casc
1610:1609 Copy Pending - Global Copy 71030 Disabled Disabled Disabled
In the DS Storage Manager, you can display the out-of-sync tracks in the Metro Mirror
properties window; see Figure 18-2.
Figure 18-2 Out-of-sync tracks
18.3 Create a consistent point-in-time copy
While the copy pair volumes are in the copy pending state, the secondary volumes maintain a
fuzzy copy
of the data:
Because of the non-synchronous data transfer characteristics, at any time there is a
certain amount of updated data that is not reflected at the secondary volume. This data