IBM DS6000 Computer Drive User Manual

238 IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z
21.1 Define and manage Global Copy pairs using TSO
Figure 21-1 shows a diagram of the test environment that we used for our example.
Figure 21-1 Configuration used to setup Global Copy pairs in our example
In our example, using TSO commands, we established a path between two LSSs and then
established the Global Copy pairs. After the pairs were established, we re-synchronized the
volumes. After the volumes were synchronized, we suspended the volumes. To do this we
followed this procedure:
1. We established a path with the CESTPATH command; see Example 21-1.
Example 21-1 CESTPATH command
CESTPATH DEVN(6030) PRIM(X'2060' 500507630EFFFC6F X'00') -
SEC(X'0002' 500507630EFFFCA0 X'00') -
LINK(X'00000000') -
To establish paths with TSO, we had to specify the WWNN from the storage subsystems.
We used the CQUERY PATHS command to determine the SSID and WWNN of the
primary and secondary LSSs. The WWNN can also be found by using the DS GUI or with
DS CLI lssi command. The WWNN for the DS6800 in our example are shown in
Figure 21-1.
2. We established two Global Copy pairs with the CESTPAIR command; see Example 21-2.
Example 21-2 CESTPAIR command
CESTPAIR DEVN(X'6030') PRIM(X'2060' AAGXA X'30' X'00') -
SEC(X'0002' AAVCA X'30' X'00') -
CESTPAIR DEVN(X'6031') PRIM(X'2060' AAGXA X'31' X'00') -
SEC(X'0002' AAVCA X'31' X'00') -
To establish a Global Copy pair, we used the (XD) option. After the pairs are established,
we were able to query the state of the volumes with the CQUERY command. We did this
for one volume, as shown in Example 21-3 on page 239.
DS6800 BOX 1
WWNN 500507630EFFFC6F
LCU 00
DS6800 BOX 2
WWNN 500507630EFFFCA0
LCU 00
FC Switch
I0000 I0100 I0000 I0100