166 IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z
The port IDs for source and target. Up to eight port pair IDs can be specified.
–The lsioport lists the ports on the system.
– A port ID will have the format I0102, for example.
14.5.1 Set up a Metro Mirror environment
This section gives examples of the commands you can use to set up a Metro Mirror
environment. This includes the commands needed to set up the Metro Mirror paths, as well
as the commands needed to create the Metro Mirror relationships.
The lsavailppcport command is used to display the disk subsystems I/O ports that are
available for defining the remote mirroring paths. Example 14-26 shows an lsavailpprcport
Example 14-26 lsavailpprcport command
dscli> lsavailpprcport -dev IBM.1750-1300247 -remotedev IBM.1750-1300819 -remotewwnn
500507630EFE028F 06:01
Date/Time: 23 November 2005 23:37:43 IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.1750-1300247
Local Port Attached Port Type
I0003 I0003 FCP
I0103 I0102 FCP
In this example, the following parameters are specified:
-dev the source DS6000, which includes manufacturer, type, and serial number
-remotedev the target DS6000, which includes manufacturer, type, and serial number
-remotewwnn the WWNN of the target device
06:01 the source and target LSSs
The mkpprcpath command is used to establish Metro Mirror paths between LSS pairs on
DS6000 subsystems. You can also use this command to replace existing paths. Using the
-consistgrp parameter with this command, you create Consistency Groups.
Example 14-27 shows a mkpprcpath command with two paths being defined.
Example 14-27 mkpprcpath command
dscli> mkpprcpath -dev IBM.1750-1300247 -remotedev IBM.1750-1300819 -remotewwnn
500507630EFE028F -srclss 06 -tgtlss 01 I0003:I0003 I0103:I0102
Date/Time: 23 November 2005 23:42:23 IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.1750-1300247
CMUC00149I mkpprcpath: Remote Mirror and Copy path 06:01 successfully established.
In Example 14-27, the following parameters are specified:
-dev the source DS6000, specifies the source storage image ID, which
includes manufacturer, type, and serial number
-remotedev the target DS6000, specifies the target storage image ID, which
includes manufacturer, type, and serial number
-remotewwnn the WWNN of the target device
-srclss the LSS number of the source