Chapter 24. Global Mirror interfaces 311
ACTION is required and specifies which kind of query report is requested. Three different
query reports can be requested with this parameter:
– GMLSTAT provides summary information pertaining to the Global Mirror session. This
includes information about the Master storage disk subsystem, the Subordinate
storage disk subsystems, as well as the number of successfully created Consistency
Groups and how often Consistency Group creation failed. It also includes the
parameter values for the session.
– GMPSTAT provides Global Mirror summary status information of the LSS addressed in
the VOLSER parameter. Key information from this query is the number of tracks that
are still in the out-of-sync bitmap at the primary LSS, and are waiting to be replicated to
the corresponding secondary LSS. This query also details the total number of Global
Mirror volumes within this LSS, and how many volumes out of the total contain
out-of-sync tracks.
– DVCSTAT provides an overview of all involved devices in a Global Mirror session for
the LSS addressed in the VOLSER parameter.
LSSNBR specifies the LSS number for which we query information. This parameter is
required when LSSTYPE(FB) is specified. It is not required when LSSTYPE is CKD
LSSTYPE identifies whether this is an LSS with fixed blocked (FB) devices for open
systems or count-key-data (CKD) devices for System z. CKD is the default.
DVCNBR indicates the LUN for which the query report is requested, and is required when
LSSTYPE(FB) is specified.
Example 24-19 shows an RQUERY command with ACTION(GMLSTAT). The example shows
the formatted line output information for the LSS that has VOLSER(XX2C00) in it.
Example 24-19 RQUERY TSO command example with ACTION(GMLSTAT)
RQUERY Output Volser(XX2C00) Action(GMLSTAT) Version(001)
SNbr GMLStat GoodCg Pct CrnBadCG TotBadCG LastGoodCGSCntlClock
-- ---------- -------- --- -------- -------- --------------------
01 Running 00000001 100 19 May 2005 22:02:35
Master: Serial SSID LSS CGInt CGDrn CrdInt
------------ ---- -- ----- ----- -----
000107527131 2C00 0C 0 600 5
RQUERY Output Volser(XX2D00) Action(GMLSTAT) Version(001)
SNbr GMLStat GoodCg Pct CrnBadCG TotBadCG LastGoodCGSCntlClock
-- ---------- -------- --- -------- -------- --------------------
01 NoConfig
Example 24-19 shows a second RQUERY command. The first command was issued to the
Master LSS of the Global Mirror session. The second command is issued to another LSS that
is not a Master LSS.
In the output information, besides the information related to the Master LSS, there is also
information about the number of Consistency Groups created, the number of failed attempts,
and the last successfully created Consistency Group with the internal time stamp from the
storage disk subsystem. The status of the Global Mirror session is also important.