Using the Sysclean Command
* CNT Edge - Firmware Build #812 *
* Copyright 2001, Computer Network Technology, Inc. *
Copying ROM to RAM.... done
Uncompressing kernel.... done.
Starting vxWorks....
Configuring PCI buses...
bridge #0.... bridge #1.... bridge #2.... bridge
#3.... bridge #4..
Configuring buffer memory bridges....
bus #1.... bus #2.... bus #3.... bus #4....
Buffer memory size: 67108864 bytes
PCI configuration done.
Inititalizing disk..... and filesystem...... done
Starting network initialization.....
Attached TCP/IP interface to lnPci unit 0
Attaching network interface lo0... done.
Network initialization complete
Adding 2689 symbols for standalone.
Processor: MPC750 66.67/500.00 MHz
Board: Edge (HwRev 0) - Map A -
Memory Size: 0x4000000.
/dsk/ - Volume is OK
# Loading system DLLs
ld 0,0,"/dsk/vx/core.dll"
[ Loaded CNTCORE, build #358 ]
value = 28191040 = 0x1ae2940
ld 0,0,"/dsk/vx/httpd.dll"
[ Starting HTTP server, build #149 ]
value = 28185848 = 0x1ae14f8
prom> [ENTER]
[ Autoboot canceled (tty) ]
6. At the prom level, type sysclean.
prom> sysclean
This will clean out the active configuration directory and the
Maintenance IP port information.
The following text is the output from the sysclean command:
prom> sysclean
Deleting active Edge configuration!
deleting file /dsk/cnt/configs/active/SLOT01/CFG/IP
deleting file /dsk/cnt/configs/active/SLOT01/CFG/ARP
deleting file
deleting file
deleting file /dsk/cnt/configs/active/SLOT01/CFG/CNTNODE