Expert reports
108 NN44400-710 Contact Center Performance Management 12 November 2010
4 In the Import window, select ODBC Database from the Files of type dropdown list.
5 In the Select Data Source window, click on the Machine Data Source tab.
6 Select the <ODBC entry> defined for the server.
7 Click OK.
8 If required, in the Logon to Sybase ASE window, enter the Login ID and Password.
9 Click OK.
10 From the Import Objects window, select the tables to import into the Microsoft Access
11 Click OK.
You can now use the features available in
Microsoft Access to format the imported data and to create reports. The time to import
the data depends on the amount of data stored in the selected tables.
12 For this example, select Insert, Report.
13 From the New Report window, select Report Wizard.
14 From the Choose the table or query where the object's data comes from the list,
select the table to use for the report.
15 Click OK.
16 Select the fields to include on the report from the list of available fields.
17 Click Next.
18 To add groups to the report, click Grouping Options to set the options for the selected
groups. Otherwise proceed to step 21.
19 Select the grouping intervals for each of the selected group-level fields.
20 Click OK.
21 Click Next.
22 If required, select the fields used to sort the data on the report.
23 If required, select the direction for sorting using the Ascending/Descending button.
24 Click Summary Options to add summaries to the report. If you add no summaries to
the report, proceed to step 28
25 Select the summary fields to include.
26 Select the data shown on the report.
27 Click OK.
28 Click Next.
29 If required, select the layout and page orientation for the report.
30 Click Next.
31 If required, select the report style.
32 Click Next.