Historical Reporting
90 NN44400-710 Contact Center Performance Management 12 November 2010
10 From the Time zone list, select the time zone in which to schedule your report, or
accept the system default (the time zone defaults to the time zone of the selected
The time zone defaults to the time zone of the selected server.
11 Click the Selection Criteria heading.
12 In the Selection Criteria area, click the Available and Selected headings to choose
the selection criteria for the report.
13 Click the Schedule heading.
14 In the Schedule area, select the report schedule criteria.
Attention: If you select dates during which the report is to generate, the report generates for
the selected dates each year for as long as the report is scheduled. For this reason, you cannot
select to generate the report on February 29 in a leap year, as the following year is not a leap
15 Click the Output Options heading.
16 In the Output Options area, choose the report output:
• Report output: Choose whether to print the report, send it to a file, or both.
•Printer: Select the printer.
• Paper Size: Choose the paper size.
• Output: Type the path to the shared network folder in which to save the report.
• Format: Select the report format.
• Save the file under a different name each time: Save each report with a unique
name. If you do not choose this option, the system overwrites the existing report.
• Email Notification: Select this option to receive an e-mail notification after the
report generates, or if the report do not generate successfully. After, type one or
more e-mail addresses in the box provided; separate the addresses with a
semicolon. (;). You can type a maximum of 255 characters in the e-mail box.
17 Click Save Report to save your schedule.
18 Click Activate to activate the schedule.
19 To verify that the report schedule is active, select the Scheduled Events folder, and
then locate the scheduled and activated report to view the status and properties.