NN44400-710 Contact Center Performance Management 12 November 2010 51
Graphical displays
4 If you selected a nodal server, in the Element Type area, select the Application, IVR,
or Skillset.
5 If you selected an NCC server, in the Element Type area, select the Agent Position
Count, Application, or Skillset.
6 If you select Application on a nodal server, in the Presentation area, select the Chart
(choose statistics per application) or the Chart (choose applications per
7 If you selected Application on an NCC server, in the Presentation area, select the
Chart (choose statistics per application).
8 If you select Skillset on a nodal server, in the Presentation area, select the Chart
(choose statistics per skillset) or the Chart (choose skillsets per statistic).
9 If you select Skillset on an NCC server or Agent Position Count, in the Presentation
area, select Chart (choose statistics per skillset).
10 IVR, in the Presentation area, select Chart (choose statistics for IVR summary).
11 In the Chart title box, accept the default name, or delete the default name and type a
custom name to appear at the top of the chart display.
12 From the Chart type list, select the type of chart to configure. You can choose from
Horizontal Bar, Vertical Bar, or Pie.
13 From the Chart fill list, select Color or Pattern (Black & White).
14 If you select Chart (choose applications per statistic), or Chart (choose skillsets
per statistic) from the Statistics list, select a statistic.
15 From the Application list, select an application to monitor. Choose Summary to view
a summary of all applications in your partition on the selected server.
16 For Chart (choose statistics per skillset) on a nodal server, from the Skillset list,
select a skillset to monitor. Choose Summary to view a summary of all skillsets in your
partition on the selected server. If you select Summary, the total for statistics such as
Agents Staffed, Agents Active, Agents Not Ready, or Agents Idle is shown as 0
because one agent is typically assigned to more than one skillset, which results in
misleading totals.
17 From the Data Collection Mode list, select the Moving window or Interval-to-date.
18 In the Export path box, type the path on which to save a copy of the chart that you
export as a BMP or JPG file (for example, C:\My Documents). If you leave this field
blank, the file is exported to your desktop.
19 If you select Chart (choose statistics per application), Chart (choose statistics for
IVR summary), or Chart (choose statistics per skillset), in the Statistic area, select
the check box for each statistic to view in the chart display.
20 If you select Chart (choose applications per statistic), in the Applications area,
select the check box for each application to view in the chart display.
21 If you select Chart (choose skillsets per statistic), in the Skillsets area, select the
check box for each application to view in the chart display.
22 To select all check boxes, click Select All. To clear all check boxes, click Clear All.