Expert reports
112 NN44400-710 Contact Center Performance Management 12 November 2010
5 In the Subreport Links window, select the Select data in subreport based on field
6 To add additional subreports, repeat step 2 to step 5. Otherwise, click OK.
Adding customized formulas to a report (Crystal)
To a customize a Crystal Report, you can customized and special formulas in your
• Ensure you understand the special formulas defined for use with Contact Center
Manager Server.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 In Crystal Reports, open the report you want to customize.
2 In the field explorer, right-click Formula Fields.
3 Select New.
4 Type the name of the formula.
5 Click User Editor.
Procedure job aid
Special formulas defined for use with CCM
Formula Definition
@report_interval The collection period for the report.
@report_title the title of the report, as defined on the
General-Report property page.
@report_user The logon ID of the user who printed the report.
@site_id_name The name of the site.
@report_language The default language used by CCM to present
translated files to a report (for example English
United States is en-us.
If the preferred language is not available, CCM
defaults to en-us.