NN44400-710 Contact Center Performance Management 12 November 2010 5
Changing the column width in a real-time display 63
Rearranging columns in a real-time display 64
Changing the data collection mode of a real-time display 64
Changing the title of a real-time display grid 65
Deleting columns from a real-time display 65
Moving the chart contents within the window 66
Rotating a summary chart 66
Increasing or decreasing the summary chart size 67
Zooming in on areas of a summary chart 67
Contact Center Multimedia reports 69
Creating a CCMM report template for user-created reports 69
Importing a CCMM user-created report 70
Historical Reporting 73
Logging on to Historical Reporting 74
Applying filters to network consolidated historical reports 74
Defining the selection criteria 75
Opening a public, private, or shared report 77
Running an Ad hoc report 78
Running a parameter report Ad hoc 79
Exporting an Ad hoc report 80
Creating a shared or private report 81
Defining the report output 82
Importing a report 84
Importing a parameter report 85
Editing a report 86
Printing an ad hoc report 87
Scheduling a report 88
Printing a report schedule 91
Activating a scheduled report 92
Deactivating a scheduled report 92
Selecting the network sites for a network consolidated report 93
Adding the euro symbol to a custom report 94
Running a report from a different time zone 95
Deleting a report 95
Expert reports 97
Defining a connection to the server 98
Defining the Sybase DSN 98
Installing the Caché ODBC driver (CCMS) 99
Defining the Caché ODBC DSN (CCMS) 101
Installing the Caché JDBC Driver 101
Running the Database View Definition report 102
Installing the Caché ODBC driver (CCMM) 102
Defining the DSN (CCMM) 103
Creating a report and connecting to the database (Crystal) 104