NN44400-710 Contact Center Performance Management 12 November 2010 129
Report Creation Wizard
9 From the iAgentBySkillsetStat Formulas list, double-click @RCW_AgentName.
10 From the iAgentBySkilsetStat view, double-click CallsAnswered.
11 In the iAgentBySkillsetStat Formulas list, double-click@RCW_TalkTime.
Each selected field and formula moves from the Fields list to the Fields Selected list.
12 Change the width for the following selected fields:
13 Click Next.
14 In the Grouping window, from the Fields list, expand the iAgentbySkillsetStat
heading, and then double-click the following fields to group by:
• Skillset
•Timestamp (represents the date and time)
Each selected field moves from the Fields list to the Group by list.
The @RCW_TalkTime formula is not available because it is a dynamic formula.
15 From the Group by list, select iAgentbySkillsetStat.Timestamp.
16 From the This section will be printed list, select for each hour.
Attention: This option is available only for Date, Time, and DateTime fields and defines when
the group changes.
17 Click Next.
18 In the Summaries window, from the Fields list, expand the iAgentBySkillsetStat
19 From the iAgentBySkillsetStat, select CallsAnswered.
20 From the Summation Type list, select Sum.
21 From the Groups list, select the following check boxes:
• Report Footer
• Group Footer #1
• Group Footer #2
22 Click Add.
Selected field Width
iAgentBySkillsetStat.Skillset 200
iAgentBySkillsetStat.Timestamp 200
iAgentBySkillsetStat.AgentLogin 80
iAgentBySkillsetStat.@RCW_AgentName 120
iAgentBySkillsetStat.CallsAnswered 80
iAgentBySkillsetStat.@RCW_TalkTime 80