Report Creation Wizard
154 NN44400-710 Contact Center Performance Management 12 November 2010
3 In the Object Name box, verify or modify the value.
4 Click OK.
Variable definitions
Customizing the Report Creation Wizard template logo
You must update the logo on each portrait and landscape template.
• Ensure that Crystal Reports 10 is installed.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 Open the Report Creation Wizard template.
2 In the report header section of the report, select and delete the Avaya logo.
3 To insert a new logo, from the Insert menu, select Picture.
4 Click Browse and select the new image to add to the template.
5 Drag the image to the desired location on the report header.
6 On the image, right-click, and then select Format Graphic.
7 In the Format Editor dialog box, select the Common tab.
8 Verify that the Object Name for the picture is Picture1.
This ensures that created reports with the original templates include the latest Avaya
9 Click OK.
10 Save the report template.
Variable Value
<Object Name> The object name identifies an object on a template. The object
name must be unique and is not case-sensitive. As an
example, the object names Picture1, picture1, and PICTURE1
are the same.