Graphical displays
52 NN44400-710 Contact Center Performance Management 12 November 2010
23 Click Submit to save your changes. The new chart appears in the system tree under
Graphical Displays and the Graphical Display window refreshes.
24 To create a public copy of your custom display, in the Type in the name of your public
display box, type a name for the public display, and then click Make Public Copy.
A copy of your display appears in the Public Graphical Displays folder.
Creating a private collection
You can configure and save your favorite combination of data windows.
• Log on to Real-time reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time Reporting (page 23).
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 In the Real-Time Reporting main window, select Displays, Add Graphical Display.
2 In the Name box, type the name of the new collection. This is the name that appears
on the system tree. You can use only alphanumeric characters in the collection name;
you cannot use special characters.
3 From the Server list, select the server on which to create and save the collection.
4 In the Element Type area, select All.
5 In the Presentation area, select Private Collection.
6 Click Edit Properties to configure the new collection.
7 The Private Collection Properties window appears. From each display list, select a
display to include in this collection. The display lists include all of the public displays
and private displays saved on the selected server. You can choose a maximum of six
different displays.
You must configure the graphical displays on the server before you can include them
in your collection.
8 Click Submit to save your changes.
The new collection appears on the system tree under Private Graphical Displays.