AMD Geode™ LX Processors Data Book 63
GLIU Register Descriptions
33234H Asynchronous ERR (AERR)
AERR is a condensed version of the port ERR signals. The MASK bits can be used to prevent a device from issuing an
AERR. If the MASK = 1, the device’s AERR is disabled.
ASMI Bit Descriptions
Bit Name Description
63:16 RSVD Reserved.
15 ASMI_MASK7 Asynchronous SMI Mask for Port 7. (GLIU0 = Not Used; GLIU1 = Not Used.) Write 0 to
allow Port 7 to generate an ASMI. ASMI status is reported in bit 7.
14 ASMI_MASK6 Asynchronous SMI Mask for Port 6. (GLIU0 = Not Used; GLIU1 = SB.) Write 0 to allow
Port 6 to generate an ASMI. ASMI status is reported in bit 6.
13 ASMI_MASK5 Asynchronous SMI Mask for Port 5. (GLIU0 = GP; GLIU1 = VIP.) Write 0 to allow Port 5
to generate an ASMI. ASMI status is reported in bit 5.
12 ASMI_MASK4 Asynchronous SMI Mask for Port 4. (GLIU0 = DC; GLIU1 = GLPCI.) Write 0 to allow
Port 4 to generate an ASMI. ASMI status is reported in bit 4.
11 ASMI_MASK3 Asynchronous SMI Mask for Port 3. (GLIU0 = CPU Core; GLIU1 = GLCP.) Write 0 to
allow Port 3 to generate an ASMI. ASMI status is reported in bit 3.
10 ASMI_MASK2 Asynchronous SMI Mask for Port 2. (GLIU0 = Interface to GLIU1; GLIU1 = VP.) Write 0
to allow Port 2 to generate an ASMI. ASMI status is reported in bit 2.
9 ASMI_MASK1 Asynchronous SMI Mask for Port 1. (GLIU0 = GLMC; GLIU1 = Interface to GLIU0.)
Write 0 to allow Port 1 to generate an ASMI. ASMI status is reported in bit 1.
8 ASMI_MASK0 Asynchronous SMI Mask for Port 0. (GLIU0 = GLIU; GLIU1 = GLIU.) Write 0 to allow
Port 0 to generate an ASMI. ASMI status is reported in bit 0.
Asynchronous SMI Flag for Port 7 (Read Only). (GLIU0 = Not Used; GLIU1 = Not
Used.). If 1, this bit indicates that an ASMI was generated by Port 7. Cleared by source.
Asynchronous SMI Flag for Port 6 (Read Only). (GLIU0 = Not Used; GLIU1 = SB.) If 1,
this bit indicates that an ASMI was generated by Port 6. Cleared by source.
Asynchronous SMI Flag for Port 5 (Read Only). (GLIU0 = GP; GLIU1 = VIP.) If 1, this
bit indicates that an ASMI was generated by Port 5. Cleared by source.
Asynchronous SMI Flag for Port 4 (Read Only). (GLIU0 = DC; GLIU1 = GLPCI.) If 1,
this bit indicates that an ASMI was generated by Port 4. Cleared by source.
Asynchronous SMI Flag for Port 3 (Read Only). (GLIU0 = CPU Core; GLIU1 = GLCP.)
If 1, this bit indicates that an ASMI was generated by Port37. Cleared by source.
Asynchronous SMI Flag for Port 2 (Read Only). (GLIU0 = Interface to GLIU1; GLIU1 =
VP.) If 1, this bit indicates that an ASMI was generated by Port 2. Cleared by source.
Asynchronous SMI Flag for Port 1 (Read Only). (GLIU0 = GLMC; GLIU1 = Interface to
GLIU0.) If 1, this bit indicates that an ASMI was generated by Port 1. Cleared by source.
Asynchronous SMI Flag for Port 0 (Read Only). (GLIU0 = GLIU; GLIU1 = GLIU.) If 1,
this bit indicates that an ASMI was generated by Port 0. Cleared by source.
MSR Address GLIU0: 10000084h
GLIU1: 40000084h
Typ e R /W
Reset Value 00000000_00000000h