Click the [All Sentence Translation] button.
Select [Save As] from the [File] menu.
Loading a file from Windows Explorer
You can load a file from Windows Explorer. To do so, right-click a file on the
Windows Explorer, select [Send To] and then [ATLAS Translation Editor].
Also, you can drag and drop a file from Windows Explorer into the Translation Editor.
Files the Translation Editor can read
The Translation Editor can read the following types of files.
Text files (.txt), Horizontal translation files (.trc), Combined translation file (.trd),
Original files (.jpn / .eng), Vertical translation files (.tra) , Translation files (.eng /
.jpn), Rich text format files (.rtf), Excel books (.xls / .xlsx / .xlsm / .xlsb), Word
document files (.doc / .docx / .docm), PDF files (.pdf)*1, PowerPoint files (.ppt /
.pptx / .pptm)
*1: ATLAS can only read PDF files when Acrobat has been installed. ATLAS cannot
read PDF files when only Adobe Reader is installed.
Translation starts
Translated text