List of Shortcut Keys
This appendix lists shortcut keys available in ATLAS.
■ Shortcut keys available in the ATLAS Main Window
■ Shortcut keys available in Translation Editor
Key Function
Activates [Help].
Displays the drop down menu when the [Help] button is pressed.
Activates Clipboard Translation.
Activates Clipboard preview.
Activates Translation Editor.
Displays the drop down menu when the [Tool] button is pressed.
Displays the drop down menu when the [Environment] button is pressed.
Activates Web Translation.
Displays the drop down menu when the [Server] button is pressed.
Activates Mail Translation.
Activates Quick ATLAS.
Displays the drop down menu when the [Useful Tool] button is pressed.
Key Function
Pulls down the [File] menu.
Pulls down the [Edit] menu.
Pulls down the [Translation] menu.
Pulls down the [Assistance] menu.
Pulls down the [Dictionary] menu.
Pulls down the [Option] menu.
Pulls down the [Help] menu.
Exits the [Translation Editor] window.
Executes the [Undo] command.
Executes the [Cut] command.
Executes the [Copy] command.
Executes the [Paste] or [Insert Copied Cells] command.
Executes the [Find] command.
To the beginning of the cell where the cursor is placed.
To the first cell of the document.
To the end of the cell where the cursor is placed.
To the last cell of the document.
Executes the [Delete] command.
Activates [Help].