Chapter 5 Hints on Pre-/Post-editing for JE Translation
Advanced Techniques Hints for Achieving Better Translation Results
Clarifying logical relations between clauses
A sentence consisting of two or more clauses may not be translated correctly if the relation
between them is not clear. Relations between 2 clauses include cause, result, purpose,
measures and conditions.
5.2 Refining Translation to Proper English
You can obtain better translation results by reviewing translated text and modifying it
as necessary. This section explains hints for obtaining better translation results.
■ Checking sentence structure
Verb Pattern
Since ATLAS, by default, translates a sentence with no subject into passive voice, improper
English expressions may be generated depending on the style of the original text. In this
case, change the verb pattern of the translated text.
⇒ Defining logical relations between clauses
The tire slipped, and the accident happened.
タイヤがスリップしたために、 事故が起きた。
The accident happened because the tire had slipped.
プラ ント システムが巨大になり 、 よ り 高度な制御技術の導入が必要になっ た。
The plant system became huge, and the introduction of a more advanced control
technology was needed.
プラ ント システムが巨大になっ た結果、 より 高度な制御技術の導入が必要になっ
The plant system became huge, therefore the introduction of a more advanced
control technology was needed.
ブレ ーキを踏み、 停止する こ と ができ る。 (Measures)
It steps on the brake, and it is possible to stop.
ブレーキを踏むことにより 、 停止することができる。
It is possible to stop by stepping on the brake.
1) APS 制御機能
APS の初期化/終了処理、 ラ イタ 機能の制御などを 行う 。
1) APS control function
Initialization/termination of APS and the writer function is controlled.
1) APS control function
and terminates APS and controls the writer function, etc.