Chapter 9 Using the Common Dictionary
Basics Try Using ATLAS
⇒ You cannot delete the common dictionary which is set in the [Dictionaries Used in
Translation] box. If the common dictionary you want to delete is set in the [Dictionaries Used
in Translation] box, click the [<< Don't Use] button to move the common dictionary to the [List
of Available Dictionaries] box.
Confirm the message and click the [Yes] button.
The common dictionary on your PC is deleted and a message appears asking whether
to delete the common dictionary in the Common Folder.
Click the [Yes] button.
Click the [OK] button of the [Detail Settings] dialog box.
A dialog box appears asking you to confirm saving.
To overwrite the current translation environment, click [Save] and the [OK] button.
To save it as a new translation environment, click [Save as], enter an environment name
in the [Environment Name] box and click the [OK] button.
9.7 Common Folder Management Tool
You can use the Common Folder Management Tool for the following common
dictionary-related operations.
● Clear the common dictionary administrator information
● Delete a common dictionary in the Common Folder
● Display detailed information about a common dictionary
Use this tool to manage common dictionaries in the Common Folder.
The [Common Folder Management Tool] is installed in the install folder of ATLAS.
Example: C:\Program Files\ATLAS V14\cdictool.exe (Italic part : ATLAS install folder)
9.8 Problems & Solutions
Read this section when you have trouble using the common dictionary function or
want to use it in a different way.
■ Common dictionary download-related issues
You do not want to display a download common dictionary confirmation message
each time you start up ATLAS.
• Solution
Display the [Common Dictionary] dialog box and specify an item other than [Show Confirm
Dialog when ATLAS starts] in the [Download Method] box.