You do not want to display the download result dialog box.
Display the [Common Dictionary] dialog box and specify [Do not show results of processing]
in the [Show results of processing] box.
Downloading of common dictionary fails
There are the following discrepancies between the common dictionaries in the Common
Folder and common dictionaries/user dictionaries in user's PC.
● There is a dictionary that has the same dictionary name but has different file name (part 1)
● There is a dictionary that has the same file name but has different dictionary name (part 2)
● There is a dictionary that has different administrator (part 3)
This may happen when you change the Common Folder or use Windows Explorer to copy a
common dictionary to the Common Folder. (With ATLAS, users cannot have dictionaries with
the same dictionary name/file name in their PC or Common Folder.)
Use the following procedure to solve the problem.
1. Solve the problem in the Common Folder.
1. Display the [Common Dictionary] dialog box.
A list of dictionaries in the Common Folder appears in the [Common Dictionary List] at the center of
the dialog box.
2. Check the [Common Dictionary List] to see if there are two or more dictionaries with the names
pointed out by the error message.
When the common dictionaries of the same name exist
The administrator of the common dictionary pointed out by the error message must
change the common dictionary name and upload it to the Common Folder.
When the dictionary pointed by the error message is not necessary, the administrator of
the common dictionary can delete the common dictionary. Deletion can be performed
using the Common Folder Management Tool (page 169) as well.
When there is no duplicated common dictionary name
The Common Folder does not have the problem. Proceed to Step 2.
2. Solve the problem in user's PC.
1. Procedure differs according to the condition as follows.
The dictionary pointed out by the error message is not necessary
Delete the dictionary.
The dictionary pointed out by the error message is necessary
Proceed to Step 2.
If the common dictionary is the downloaded common dictionary ( : Pink icon), there is
no other way than deleting the dictionary, so delete it.
2. Procedure differs depending on the above type of causes (part 1 to part 3).
Cause Part 1
Change the dictionary name of the dictionary pointed out by the error message and then
download the common dictionary.
Cause Part 2/Cause Part 3
Procedure differs depending on the type of dictionary pointed out by the error message.
• When the dictionary is a common dictionary ( : Green icon);
Convert the common dictionary to user dictionary, convert it back to the common
dictionary and then download it.