Chapter 1 Basic ATLAS Functions
Basics Try Using ATLAS
■ ATLAS Translation Examples
The following gives typical application examples where ATLAS can be used for text
translation. Read this section as a reference when you use ATLAS.
Japanese-to-English rough translation
Use the Translation Editor to get a rough idea of the content of Japanese magazine articles,
You can get a rough idea of the content by reading the translated text. If a sentence is
unclear, you can check its Japanese text shown at the left.
English-to-Japanese presentation document translation
You can quickly translate and create a Japanese presentation document when you need to
make a presentation to Japanese customers.
Use PowerPoint Translation to translate an English presentation document into Japanese
without changing its layout and format.
As the English and Japanese text have different numbers of characters, the translated text
may have an incorrect layout. If this occurs, change the font size or layout using PowerPoint.
Read the text using a scanner,
and convert it into text data
using OCR software.
Translate the Japanese text into
English using the Translation Editor,
and output or print out both texts
in parallel layout.
[ATLAS] tab