Chapter 2 Basic Operation of Translation Editor
Basics Try Using ATLAS
■ Reflecting and saving translation results in source documents
Operations such as translation and post-editing can be applied to Word, Excel, PowerPoint
and PDF documents as loaded in Translation Editor, and the results can be returned to the
original layout.
Select [Open] from the [File] menu, specify the document file to be
translated, then click [Open] button.
The text of the specified document will be loaded to the [Original text] cell.
Translate the area you wish to translate.
For detailed explanation of Translation, refer to "2.2 Translation" on page 56.
Select [Reflect translated sentence in xxx] from the [File] menu.
The name of the application used to create the reflected document is displayed in "xxx."
Specify “File Name” and click [Save].
A confirmation message appears asking whether to open the reflected document.
Click [Yes].
The document in which the translated text is reflected opens.
Checking the source document
Select [Display original document] from the [File] menu to view the original source
document as it was before it was loaded into the Translation Editor.
Displaying the document that reflects translated text before saving it
Select [Display reflected document] from the [File] menu. The document in which
the translated text is reflected opens. You can check the reflection results without
saving the document.
It is displayed at the corresponding location.
The text in which translation is reflected