Translate the text.
The translation result will be displayed.
You can directly enter a part-of-speech symbol in the Original text cell.
You can also use the code to specify the part of speech for other translation functions (such as
Application Translation).
You cannot use this function for Japanese/English translation.
2.17 Reading Sentences in the Translation Editor
When Microsoft Agent is installed on your PC, you can have it read sentences in the
Translation Editor window. Microsoft Agent can read both Japanese and English
For details on how to download Microsoft Agent, visit the ATLAS Web page (http://
Before using the speech function, perform the following operations to confirm that the speech
function is enabled.
1. Click the [Environment] button in the Main window and select [Operating Environment Settings].
The [Operating Environment Settings] dialog box appears.
2. Check the [Enable Reading function] check box and click the [OK] button.
To confirm that Microsoft Agent is properly installed, click the [Environment] button in the Main
Window, select [Reading Option] and then confirm that Microsoft Agent, Japanese Engine, and
English Engine are all set to "Enable". [Reading Option] is displayed when the [Enable
Reading function] checkbox is selected under [Operating Environment Settings].
The Japanese Engine can only be used when you login as Administrator, or as a user with
Administrator permissions. However, in Windows Vista, logging in as Administrator gives the
same permissions as a standard user so the Japanese reading feature is not available.