Email Notification Manager toolbar: The Email Notification Manager toolbar has the
following functions:
Add email recipient
Delete email recipient
Modify email recipient
Information about this window View context-sensitive information
for the current window.
The Email Notification Manager Message Format: When an event is generated on a
system, the Email Notification Manager sends a message to each recipient in the
email notification list. The message format is:
To: <recipient email address>
From: <administrator email adress>
Subject: ServeRAID Manager Event Notification - Event type <event type>
This message was generated by ServeRAID Manager Agent.
Please do not reply to this message.
Event Description: <event description>
Event Type: <event type>
Event Source: <agent domain name>
Date: <date>
Time: <time>
More information
v Using the Email Notification Manager
v Adding a recipient to the email notification list
v Deleting a recipient from the email notification list
v Modifying recipient properties in the email notification list
v Sending a test message to a recipient in the email notification list
Email Notification Manager Message Format: When an event is generated on a
system, the Email Notification Manager sends a message to each recipient in the
email notification list. The message format is:
From: <management station email adress>
Sent: <date>
To: <recipient email address>
Subject: <management station> - <Event message>
This message was generated by the ServeRAID Manager. Please
do not reply to this message.
160 ServeRAID Manager Installation and User's Guide