2. In the To e-mail address field, type the name of the recipient that you want to
add to the list. Include the user name and domain, such as
3. Select the type of event(s) you want the recipient to be notified of: error,
warning, or informational.
4. Click Add.
More information
v Using the Email Notification Manager
v Deleting a recipient from the email notification list
v Modifying recipient properties in the email notification list
v Sending a test message to a recipient in the email notification list
the Email Notification Manager: Use this action to specify the SMTP
server address and the ″from″ address of the e-mail sender. The default ″from″
address includes a generalized management station name and a partial e-mail
address of the form <name@%s>. Replace the the partial address with the address
you want to appear in the From field of the e-mail message.
1. Click Actions → SMTP server settings. The SMTP Server Settings window
2. Type the SMTP server address. You can enter the host name, including domain,
or the TCP/IP address.
3. Type the from address, replacing the general management station name and
e-mail address with the name and address you want to appear in the From
field of the e-mail message.
4. Click Add.
More information
v Using the Email Notification Manager
v Adding a recipient to the email notification list
v Deleting a recipient from the email notification list
v Modifying recipient properties in the email notification list
v Sending a test message to a recipient in the email notification list
a recipient from the Email Notification Manager: Use this action to delete a
recipient from the email notification list. After deleting a recipient, the Email
Notification Manager no longer notifies the user of events occurring on the
enclosure(s) connected to the management station.
1. In the e-mail notification list, click the recipient you want to delete.
2. Click
(Delete e-mail recipient).
3. Click Yes to confirm. The Email Notification Manager deletes the recipient from
the e-mail notification list.
More information
v Using the Email Notification Manager
v Adding a recipient to the email notification list
v Modifying recipient properties in the email notification list
v Sending a test message to a recipient in the email notification list
a recipient in the Email Notification Manager: Use this action to modify the
e-mail recipient’s address or monitored event types:
1. In the e-mail notification list, click the recipient that you want to modify.
2. Click
(Modify email recipient). The Modify Email Recipient window opens.
164 ServeRAID Manager Installation and User's Guide