RAID level Can use a hot spare? Can use a standby hot
50 Yes Yes
60 Yes No
* RAID level-5E and RAID level-5EE integrate a distributed hot-spare drive, but
also can use traditional hot-spare and standby hot-spare drives. If a physical drive
fails in a RAID level-5E or level-5EE logical drive and the configuration includes a
hot-spare or standby hot-spare drive, the data is rebuilt on the hot-spare or
standby hot-spare drive. A RAID level-5E compression or RAID level-5EE
compaction does not occur. If a second physical drive fails in the RAID level-5E or
level-5EE logical drive, a data compression or compaction will take place on the
distributed hot-spare drive.
More information
v Understanding RAID level-5E
v Understanding RAID level-5EE
Selecting the RAID level in the migration wizard
To select a new RAID level for the array:
1. Click the RAID level radio button. Only the most common choices appear in
the list.
2. To choose a different RAID level, click Advanced settings; then, choose a RAID
level from the available options.
Note: Only valid RAID level migrations appear in the list. Migration
requirements for each RAID level are described here.
3. When you are ready to continue, click Next. The Modify Array window opens.
More information
v Things to consider when changing RAID levels
v Understanding RAID technology
Starting the ServeRAID Manager task
This topic describes how to start ServeRAID Manager in IBM Director.
To start ServeRAID Manager, in the IBM Director Console Tasks pane, drag the
ServeRAID Manager task onto a managed system that supports ServeRAID.
The left pane is the Enterprise view pane, and the right pane is the Physical and
Logical devices pane. The bottom pane is the event viewer.
54 ServeRAID Manager Installation and User's Guide