events to users. If you enable event broadcasting, agents on Windows machines
will display pop-up alert dialogs when events occur. On Linux machines, a
message will be broadcast to all connected console processes using the ’wall’
You can adjust the agent general settings with the following steps:
1. In the ServeRAID Manager Agent window, click the General settings tab.
2. In the Agent base port number field, enter the port number for the ServeRAID
Manager agent and console. The default port is 34571.
Note: For accessing remote systems, the ServeRAID Manager uses four
consecutive ports starting from the base port: 34571, 34572, 34573, and
34574. If your system has a conflict with these ports, change the base
port to a different port number.
3. To log events to the operating system event log, click Save events in OS event
Note: You can use the View agent event log option to view the event log. You
can also use operating system administration tools to view the event log.
4. To broadcast events to users, click Broadcast events to logged-in users.
5. Select the check box to enable or disable the alarm. When a critical or fatal
event occurs in the RAID subsystem, the ServeRAID Manager agent triggers an
alarm, if enabled.
6. If you enabled the alarm, adjust the length of time (in seconds) between alarms.
The default is 300 seconds (5 minutes).
7. Click Save changes.
8. Restart the ServeRAID Manager for the settings to take effect.
To load settings from the ServeRAID Manager agent configuration file, click
. Use this option if you change settings in the configuration
file while the agent is running. If you change the port number, you must
stop and restart the agent for the change to take effect.
More information
v Configuring the ServeRAID Manager agent
v Starting the ServeRAID Manager agent
v Verifying that the ServeRAID Manager agent is running
v Viewing the ServeRAID Manager agent event log
Using the ServeRAID Manager agent
The ServeRAID Manager agent includes the following components:
v Notification Manager
v Email Notification Manager
v Task Manager
v General settings
Because the agent runs as a background process, it uses less memory resources
than the ServeRAID Manager console. However, the ServeRAID Manager agent is
useful in the following situations:
v The agent can relay events to any ServeRAID Manager console installed on the
local system or on a remote system. As events occur, the agent sends the events
210 ServeRAID Manager Installation and User's Guide