Chapter 3 Storage Arrays 3-19
3. Verify that both power switches on all modules in the cabinet are turned off.
4. Are the main circuit breakers in the cabinet turned off?
Yes -Turn on the main circuit breakers in the cabinet.
No - Reset the main circuit breakers in the cabinet.
5. Connect the power cables to both power supplies in each module.
Note – IMPORTANT To ensure that the controllers acknowledge each attached
drive module, it is recommended that you turn on power to the drive modules
before turning on power to the command module.
6. Turn on both power switches on the back of each drive module.
The drives will not spin up until they receive a Start Unit command from the
controller. During this time, the green and amber lights on the front and the back of
the modules will flash intermittently. Depending on your configuration, the drive
modules can take from 20 seconds to several minutes to power up.
7. Turn on both power switches on the back of each command module.
An command module can take up to 30 seconds to power up and up to 15 minutes
to complete its controller battery self-test. During this time, the green and amber
lights on the front and the back of the command module flash intermittently.
8. Check the status of each module in the storage array and its components.
a. Note the status of the lights on the front of each module.
b. Open the Array Management Window for the storage array.
c. To view the status of its components, select the appropriate component button
for each module in the Physical View of the Array Management Window.
The status for each component will be either Optimal or Needs Attention.
9. Does each module display green lights only, and is the status Optimal on each
module component?
Yes - Go to step 11.
No - Go to step 10.
Note – IMPORTANT If a fault requires you to power off an attached module, you
may need to cycle the power on all remaining modules in the storage array. Contact
technical support before powering off any attached modules.
10. Diagnose and correct the fault.