
Chapter 17 Quality of Service (QoS)
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
17.2 Command Examples
This example configures QoS at the interface level. It does the following.
1 Turns on QoS on the ZyXEL Device.
2 Enable auto priority mapping on the WLAN interface.
3 Sets the ZyXEL Device to assign priority to unmatched traffic based on the IEEE 802.1p
priority level, IP precedence and packet length on the WLAN interface.
qos policy <interface> <class-
number> [clear] [dscp <same|auto>
| dscp mark <dscp>] [vlan
<same|auto|remove> | vlan
<mark|add> <vlan-id> <priority>]
[route rn <remote-node-number> |
route gw <gateway-ip>] [policer
Sets a QoS policy for the specified interface and class.
qos priq <interface>
Turns on or off the auto priority mapping on the specified interface.
qos priq <interface> mon Displays the specified QoS packet statistics. Enter this command
again to stop it.
qos priq <interface> set <0|1>
<0|1> <0|1>
Sets whether the ZyXEL Device assigns priority to unmatched traffic
based on the IEEE 802.1p priority level, IP precedence and/or
packet length.
qos priq <interface> show Displays auto priority mapping settings on the specified interface.
qos queue <index>
Disables or enables the specified queue.
index: Enters the index number (from 1 to 24) of the QoS queue.
qos queue <index> reset inerface
<lan|wlan|wan> [drop <dt|red>]
[priority <priority>] [weight
<weight>] [rate <rate kbps>]
[size <burst-size bytes>] [redt
<red threshold (%)>] [redp <red
percentage (%)>]
Changes the specified queue settings.
qos queue <index> show Displays the specified queue settings.
qos queue show Displays all queue settings.
qos show class <interface>
Displays QoS class settings for the specified class in the specified
qos show filter <interface> Displays filter settings for the specified interface.
qos tbr <interface>
Disables or enable TBR (Token Bucket Regulator) in the specified
qos tbr <interface> set
<bandwidth> [<size>]
Changes the specified interface’s TBR settings.
bandwidth: Sets the bandiwdth (in kbps) from 1 to 100M.
size: Sets the burst size (in bytes) from 0 to 100kB.
qos tbr <interface> show Displays Token Bucket Regulator settings for the specified interface.
Table 41 QoS Commands (continued)