DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
Common Commands
This chapter introduces some of the more commomly-used commands in the ZyXEL Device.
For more detailed usage, see the corresponding feature chapter in this guide.
In the following examples, ras is the prompt as that is the default. If you configure a system
name, then that prompt will display as the system name you configured. For example, change
the system name to zyxel using the sys hostname zyxel command; the command
prompt will then display as zyxel>.
2.1 Change the Idle Timeout
By default, the ZyXEL Device automatically logs you out of the management interface after
five minutes of inactivity. Use the sys stdio command to extend the idle timeout. The
following example extends the idle timeout to 120 minutes.
2.2 Interface Information
ZyXEL Device interfaces are defined as shown in Table 2 on page 6.
ras> sys stdio 120
Stdio Timeout = 120 minutes