ZyXEL Communications n/a Modem User Manual

Chapter 2 Common Commands
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
Use the following command to change the console port speed. A higher console port speed is
recommended when uploading firmware via the console port. A console port speed of 115,200
bps is necessary to view CNM debug messages and packet traces on the ZyXEL Device.
" After you change the console port speed, you need to change it also on your
terminal emulation software (such as HyperTerminal) in order to reconnect to
the ZyXEL Device.
ras> sys baud ?
Usage: baud <1..5>(1:38400, 2:19200, 3:9600, 4:57600, 5:115200)
ras> sys baud 5
Saving to ROM. Please wait...
Change Console Speed to 115200. Then hit any key to continue